Sunday, May 3, 2009

Oh Tahoe is so cute..She is getting very old now almost 14..its crazy. She has been a major part of our lives and i cant imagine coming home and not having her there wagging her tail wanting to go outside. Over the past year she has been struggling with her diabetes that has created her to go blind. Its been harder and harder for her to get up. Just the other day mom had to help her out. It was so sad to see her in pain. We will miss her when its her time but will always love her and have her in our hearts!
Zions Trek

The last weekend Cody, Shayna, and Kevin had an oppurtunity to participate with our stake in Zions Trek. They went for a weekend and hiked all around pushing and pulling handcarts in miserable hot days and unbearable freezing cold nights..It was hard but they all enjoyed it. The first day Friday they met at the stake center and they were off...they hiked 5 miles that day with the families they were put into..that night they had a fireside with a very cool speaker, who talked about achieving goals and never giving up even when the times are hard. The second day, Saturday they woke up early in the morning to hike 5 more miles. That day was also the Mormon Batallion and the girls had to go up huge steep hills pushing the handcarts all by themselves. Throughout Saturday we would miss trails, go the wrong way, or go to far and would have to turn around..Along the way there were reinactments to bring the spirit. Saturday night they played pioneer games and had a dance. On Sunday, the last day they had sacrament meeting with no shade..but you could defintly feel the was a beautiful meeting. The youth of the stake had a chance to make a pledge to be virtuous and unfurled a banner on a peak. It was such a neat experience. Overall they were so grateful to go on the trek and to learn more about the pioneers and their struggles. Even though they only experienced a little fraction of what the pioneers went through they were able to better understand the pioneers hardships. It was very fun and shayna was even bummed that she wouldnt be able to attend the next one.. Cody was glad he went to two..and Kevin was glad to be there with his kids.
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